Wednesday, December 2, 2009

UTASCE Wallpaper: December Issue 1

December, the time for exams and also a time to destress after exams a.k.a Christmas. For my wallpaper of the month, I am currently trying out an extra dimension, 3D. This wallpaper was done using Illustrator and 3D Studio Max. But this is only 1 of 2, the other portraying the true Christmas spirit( that one will be completed after exams but for now just comment on how this turned out.



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wat have we been up to?

Nothing much to say except here is a mash up of the meeting 2 weeks ago, got delayed in delivery, lol...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Multimedia Tutorial: How to Create a Textured Grungy 3D Type Design (Revised) by Carla McKenzie

One of our UTASCE alumni, Carla McKenzie, did this revised tutorial spinning off from SpoonGraphics Blog (this was originally done by Chris Spooner), however to make this easier for those who know not the general "Macspeak" she has taken the time to do a Windows translation. Thank you for the dedication, hope you enjoy and we will be doing a follow up on this topic soon.

Grungy 3D Type Design Tutorial

Monday, October 5, 2009


Decided that I should give something worth giving. To all who want to get there hands on the PLANET UTASCE STARTER wallpaper I have provided a link to 2 sizes. If you want another res, let me know let me know and I will upload it. Every month I will be uploading a new PLANET UTASCE wallpaper or even a couple unique ones. Enjoy.

Size: 1280x1024

Size: 1280x800

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Feature: "The Cell"...

Over the next couple weeks we will give an overview of the happenings in each cell. Every week a new cell will be given the opportunity to speak on this blog, telling of their projects, activities and accomplishments for that week. We are working hard to make everything as up-to-date as possible and we just ask the readers to voice their opinions. Tell us what you think and what you come to expect from each cell and we will put in the work to get everything up to par or better.

Friday, September 25, 2009

To Pirate or not to Pirate...

Our last meeting was a full-on discussion on Piracy(no buried treasure involved). We discussed how it affects the field we are presently studying so hard for at university and the consequences of actions pertaining to the practice. gives a solid definition of Piracy as "the unauthorized reproduction [and]/or use of copyrighted [material]/ trademarked product." This practice has become prevalent in the wider society, however, as future programmers and content creators, they were advised to adhere to morals and ethics and deter from doing the underhanded deed.

Being no different than any of our other meetings there were a couple arguments to convince those in attendance of what we can call the "short-term pros" of the act(never said it would be easy to keep the masses on the straight and narrow) and even a few names were thrown out there for good measure(for my own good, going to keep this ...). What we advised mostly was to try and picture oneself in the shoes of those cheated out of their rightful earnings. Also we gave examples of alternatives(freeware, open source) of popular applications that's used everyday.

We were joined by Mr. Colin Francis, Technical Officer in charge of SCIT computing labs and open source aficionado, to talk a bit on his platform of choice, Linux. He gave a lot of the pros to using Linux such as the freedom of getting the applications one would want without the shackles of cost (although he does support the community with contributions) and EULAs along with a bit of history on his computing treks. Also he took the opportunity to rant on his lukewarm experiences with a certain OS which is used by almost everyone on an everyday basis.

Overall, a very good meeting which left everyone thinking. We'll see what we can tackle next week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

U.T.A.S.C.E Cells: Hardware, Robotics, Software, Multimedia

So this week, each cell was given a chance to show what they were made of. All the cells (except networking, cell leader didnt make it...) made presentations of what to expect as time progressed.

Hardware gave a simple overview of your average motherboard (or mobo) and components that would attach to it. Robotics gave a teaser of the project for next week, the Beetle Bot (see video below). Multimedia showed some examples of work done to give examples of application of graphics. Last but not least, Software showed an example of coding using Visual Basic (VB). As usual we got feedback for each cell and students seem eager to delve in and start working on projects. Take a look at the images below to get a better understanding.

Members viewing the presentations

Some of the hardware shown by Hardware

Example of the Nokia 5700 done in photoshop
shown by Multimedia

Example of Point of Sale created using Visual Basic
shown by Software